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Shredding Fundraiser
The Morris Plains Library will host our next Shredding Event in April 2025. Exact date TBD The cost is $10.00 per bag/box. (Extra for Oversized bags or boxes) *Please make sure there are no batteries or electronics in with your papers. Staples and Paperclips are OK.* This is a Rain or Shine Event. Time to […]

Donation Policy
Being a small library, we are limited on the amount and type of donations we can take. Please call before bringing in any donations. We can take newer adult hardcover and paperbacks in very good condition. Children/Teen Graphic Novels and Dvd’s also in very good condition. All donations accepted, are at the discretion of Staff. […]

Annual Fundraiser
Our annual fundraising appeal letter has been sent out. Please join the Morris Plains Library Association today. Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference. We rely on you for much of our support. Please also consider asking if your Employer has a matching gift program. You can now donate via VENMO also! @MorrisPlains-Library

Reading History
Have you ever wished you could remember whether you’ve read a particular book by your favorite author? You can save a reading history on your library account and keep a list of everything you’ve checked out. Go into My Account, and look under the Contact Information and Preferences section of the My Record tab. Check […]
Please visit us often and feed your inner self as you browse in the unhurried quiet of the Morris Plains Library!